niho stands for Nicole Hofmann

From visual communication to ceramics

The start of my career as a potter was an intensive wheel throwing course that I took in Barcelona. I got hooked straight away and continued with weekly throwing classes. 

Soon I discovered that there is a whole world of different ceramic techniques and started to explore as many of them as I could: handbuilding, mold making and slip casting and it turned out, that my favourite way to work is starting a piece on the wheel and then proceed to handbuilding in order to achieve the shapes I am looking for.

Glazing is another world that can change your pieces totally. I love experimenting with surface decoration and I develop my own glazes.

After a three months professionalisation course where I deepened my knowledge of ceramic materials, glaze formulation, handbuilding techniques, sculpture and wheel throwing as well as firing techniques it was clear that I had to open up my own pottery studio.

niho at the pottery wheel




June: Ceramics and glass with Cécile Ribas y Alex Frosum


April: Vessel and food – Food and vessel with Jeff Shapiro


January: Raku with Sergi Phaissa


Sep.-Dec.: Three month professionalisation with Corrie Bain

April: Slip casting with Monika Patuszyńska

February: Wheel throwing with Josep Maria Mariscal

January: Paperclay with Penelope Vallejo


August: Wheel throwing with Gustavo Perez

June: Raku with Chisato Kuroki

February: Porcelain throwing with Corrie Bain


October: Glaze formulation with Martin Loew

May: Surface decoration with Nuria Artenudo

February: Wheel throwing with Corrie Bain



Kommunikationsdesign, Fachhochschule Wiesbaden, Germany


Visual Communication, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Faculty of Design, Australia


German (native), english and spanish


Please check out my profile at LinkedIn